Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tub Diving

I was taking a bath one day and I got to thinking about the soap. It NEVER wants to stay on the built in shelf where it belongs. I'm always chasing it around and I feel as though it does not want to be caught. Then I got to thinking about Ivory soap and how it floats and can't hide like the other soaps can. Does it feel gypped?

The Dove

I am a cliff diver; a spelunker; a slippery sloped cowboy.
Whether low or high, my aim is always the same.
I’ll get by you; quietly without fanfare or announcement.
The watery depths are my desire.
Cloudy or clear or darkened by dirt.
Therein lies my freedom.

The other guy, doomed like a bride in a pure white dress.
Brainwashed; predisposed to follow my lead but unable to hide.
He tries, but will always fail. He will always rise to the surface and be caught.
Betrayed by the guile of his captors.
But always trying, ignorant of his built in deception.

I know my adventure will end.
But I am not without hope.
Exploring the depths is my joy and life.
Unlike him I will hide and elude.
I will lurk in the cracks and shades of massive thighs,
And play the game of hide and seek.
And though I will feel the grasp of the great hand from above
That comes for me each time.
I know tomorrow, I will plunge again into
The sea of warmth and freedom.

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