Sunday, December 28, 2008

What a difference 30 degrees makes!

There was magic in the air today. Maybe not magic, but some actual warmth which did wonders for my spirits. With the thermometer soaring to 56 degrees today, the urge to frolic outside overtook me. So I took my camera and went for a walk through the local cemetery. I guess that's not frolicking, but at least it was peaceful and calming.

I know a lot of people think that walking through cemeteries is a morbid thing, but I have always found it relaxing and anything but creepy. As a child my mother took me for a walk in the huge cemetery in Andover, Mass where we lived. We would walk and collect chestnuts from the trees and bring them home...I'm sure we must have cooked them or roasted them over an open fire or something - actually I don't remember that part. But it impressed in my mind very young that there was nothing to fear in a cemetery....only a treasure hunt with my mother.

On a day like today I feel hopeful. I feel like I can break free of the chains of fear that I let bind me. Tomorrow could be completely different. Can I bottle today up and then let a little out on the days when it's 20 degrees and sleeting? I guess I have to use my memory for that. It's amazing how we can forget the good moments so quickly when the darker moments's almost as if it has always been dark. Even though the day before was bright.

On a completely different note, I have invented a new word. I actually came up with it a couple of years ago but I decided it's time to share it with the world (or with my one faithful reader!)
The word is "under-trippin." It's when you go to put your underwear on but your foot gets caught in the underwear and you can't find the leg hole to poke it through. So then you hop around hoping your foot goes through before you fall and hit your head on the dresser. I'll use it in a sentence. "Yesterday I was under-trippin' and lost my balance and fell on my head." Feel free to use this term whenever the situation allows - maybe it will catch on!

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